The Listening Wall

New Rhythm Folk

The Heart of a Caregiver

Posted by on Aug 13, 2015

The Heart of a Caregiver

  Caregiver This one word holds the love, trust, and strength that shines through in times of intense trials. Many of us know first hand what it’s like to give care to a loved one or what it’s like to be on the receiving end of the caring. One person who exemplifies the word caregiver is Vince Zangaro. Vince takes care of his father who has Alzheimer’s. Using his passion...

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Join us at Guitar Center

Posted by on Jun 1, 2015

  Join The Listening Wall and Taylor Swift’s former manager Rick Barker​ at Atlanta’s Guitar Center on Highway 85 for a great evening Thursday June 4 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. We will be giving out a free gift to everyone who attends the...

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2015: Bring On the New Music!

Posted by on Mar 24, 2015

Music Chemistry 101:   One thing that Jim and I have always enjoyed is writing new music. We’ve known for a while that we have great musical chemistry together. For example, Jim will start something on the guitar and the melodic line will just come to me. Like the snap of your fingers it will all click into place! It truly seems magical sometimes. Right now, Jim and I are in the thick...

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Wedding Bells

Posted by on Oct 12, 2014

Hello, glad to have you over! Jim and I had an amazing experience playing for his sweet niece’s wedding. It’s a joy to play for such a sacred moment in time! In preparation for the big day, Jim wrote 4 songs and graciously left ample room so I could figure out piano parts to weave into his scrumptious guitar harmonies. Did I mention how grateful I am for such a thoughtful friend? ...

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